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Halloween Bash

Save The Date

October 25, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Join us for a night of boos and booze at Maxed Out Fitness!

Our annual Halloween Bash includes music, food, drinks, cash bar, a costume contest, and more. There will be prizes for the best costumes! Proceeds go to support The Bernie House, a local Annapolis charity providing resources to survivors of domestic violence.

– Music by DJ Goni
– Food by Annapolis Smokehouse
– Cash Bar by Bar Movement

Tickets are $35 online and will be $45 at the door.


About The Bernie House

The Bernie House offers survivors a longer-term housing solution and provides additional services to further those received in a domestic violence shelter. The longer periods of time offered, which can last up to two years, and access to services like counseling, and case management, fill a large gap between crisis intervention and stability. With the goal of transitioning families into stable housing and improved financial stability, The Bernie House provides an opportunity for victims to secure a job, go to school, become economically stable, and achieve a safe and healthy return to their community. Giving the opportunity to heal and time to move onto permanent housing.

See you at The Gym


1833 George Ave, Suite 2
Annapolis, MD 21401

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